Execution Sequence

SDK Core Components

DLC Designer

The DLC Designer is a toolset for creating Discreet Log Contracts (DLCs). It enables developers to formulate contract terms suitable for various conditions. This component provides tools for setting contract conditions and testing, ensuring contract accuracy and reliability prior to deployment.

CET Warehouse

The CET Warehouse Framework manages Contract Execution Transactions (CETs). It provides reliable storage, maintaining CET availability for smart contract execution. The framework allows for easy access and retrieval of transactions and includes data backup and recovery features, essential for blockchain application requirements.

Oracle Builder

The Oracle Builder is a tool for deploying and configuring zkOracles, linking external data to smart contracts. It simplifies the setup and customization of event oracles, facilitating their integration into blockchain applications.

Oracle Adaptor

The Oracle Adaptor in the OmniZK SDK is a configuration template for developing zkOracles compatible with various systems, such as LayerZero. This template enables the creation of custom zkOracle configurations to integrate with different data sources for smart contract execution.

Network Adaptor

The Network Adaptor template is designed for integrating OmniRelayers and zkOracles across various platforms. It provides essential code for these components to function within multiple blockchain environments, supporting their adaptability and interoperability across blockchain networks.

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